Tips on Lawn Over Seeding in Early Spring
How to over seed spring lawn and prevent crabgrass.
Uncle's tip: How long do I need to wait before over seeding my lawn after applying PREVENT?
PREVENT should not used over new or dormant grass seed. PREVENT will remain active in the soil 10-12 weeks preventing all grass seed & crabgrass seed from germinating. However; you can be succesful when spring seeding by following these idiot proof tips on spring over seeding.
Step 1 - Mow the lawn to a height of 1½ to 2 inches.
Step 2 - Rake or sweep the lawn to remove heavy clippings or other debris. Rough the surface of the soil giving special attention to bare spots.
Step 3 - Apply LoveLand Golf Course Starter or Renovator over the entire area.
Step 4 - Spread your favorite Grass Pad grass seed with rotary or hand cranked "whirlwind" type spreader. Special attention should be given to spots where the ground is bare. Extra seed should be applied by hand to these spots.
Step 5 - On bare spots; apply a light mulch of sphagnum peat or PrimeraFC grass seed dressing. Topsoil, black peat or straw contain weed seeds and should not be used.
Step 6 - Water the seed bed lightly so the soil surface is moist. Continue watering lightly so the soil does not become hard or baked.
Step 7 - When the grass seedlings reach a height of 3 to 4 inches, mow to a height of 3 inches with a sharp mower blade, at a time when the grass is not wet.
Step 8 - Mid-April (Tax Day) Apply Tupersan® based crabgrass pre-emergent that is safe for new seeding.
Step 9 - Late May: Apply full strength Prevent® crabgrass pre-emergent to all areas ONLY after those areas have filled in and mature enough to have been mowed at least twice.
Uncle's tip: Tupersan® is the only grass seed safe crabgrass pre emergent. Tupersan® is effective in reducing crabgrass germination. We call it the "Smart Bomb" pre emergent. The best thing about Tupersan® is it allows the good grass to grow and stops the annual grassy weed from germinating. However; Tupersan® does not have a long residual in the soil, so for best results use an application of Tupersan® at Tax Day and an application of PREVENT® around Mother's Day to extend summer long crabgrass control.