Best Broadleaf Weed Killer
Spring Cool Season 40° - 65°
As early spring arrives homeowners walk through their springtime
The best way to kill these spring weeds is a cool weather liquid weed killer. Gordon's Speed Zone® with Uncle's Stikit, non-ionic spreader sticker, added can be used effectively during cooler spring weather. Uncle's Stikit is a non-ionic surfactant that improves Speedzone's efficiency by increasing the spread and penetration of the active ingredient throughout the surface of the broadleaf weed. Humectants in Stikit extends drying time which encourages increased uptake of Speedzone on broadleaf weeds. Also, be patient, at cold soil temperatures, these plants die more slowly, and you may need a second application after seven to ten days. Speed Zone® is the best choice for tiny leaf weeds like chickweed, clover, veronica and henbit. Always use pesticides responsibly.
Warm Season 65° - 85°
Fall Season 85° - 65°
Mid-September to Mid-November is an excellent time to control broadleaf weeds. Weeds like dandelions, plantain, curled dock, and thistle. In fall, broadleaf weeds are busy collecting energy from photosynthesis and storing it in the crown and roots. Loveland Weed and Feed and Speed Zone® contain systemic broadleaf weed herbicides that will move through the leaf tissue and into the crown and roots for a complete kill. Killing broadleaf weeds in fall will allow turf to fill in the bare spots before crabgrass or other weeds germinate the following spring. Speed Zone® will be effective down to 40° soil temperature, however; Weed and Feed
Weeding When Over Seeding
Every year in late fall and early spring we get those panic phone calls. "I followed your Fall Renovation Program, I used your weed free grass seed. Why do I have weeds growing in my yard?" Our response is "Well, that's okay, it really means you did it right!"
When preparing your lawn for overseeding you are trying to open the pathway for the seed to get to the soil. If the grass seed doesn't reach the soil, it will not grow. This is why Grass Pad recommends verticutting, dethatching, aerating or hand raking bare areas before over seeding. During this process, dormant weed seeds are exposed while turning the soil. These weed seeds could be from last year or several years ago, suspended under the soil, too deep to germinate, waiting for their opportunity to spring into life.
Most of these new weeds will be annual grassy weeds. These weed seeds will appreciate the same fertilizer and additional watering from your fall renovation over seeding. Dandelion, clover, chickweed, henbit and numerous other broadleaf weed types may be stimulated as well. As explained above, fall is an excellent time to control broadleaf weeds. These pop up broadleaf weeds can be controlled after the new seed has germinated and mature enough to have been mowed at least twice. However; use Trimec® broadleaf weed killer. Trimec® is a little more forgiving on tender baby grass seed.
"What about any annual grassy weeds?" Don't worry about these types in the fall. Grass weeds will be slow to germinate as soil temperatures cool. Mother Nature will take care of any annual weeds at first frost.