Warm Weather Brings Annoying Pests

The summer bug invasion of fleas, ticks and chigger will be faster than Putin into Crimea. Just like the Russians, the threat of economic sanctions will not prevent or remove these menacing marauders from invading your lawn.

Know Thy Enemies

There are two kinds of insects waiting to march into your lawn. One chew on you and your pets, the other prefers to eat on your grass, shrubs and trees. The  first category includes fleas, ticks and chiggers that bite and suck blood from warm blooded mammals including you and your pets. Besides being uncomfortable, these bug bites can spread infections like Lyme disease and Rock Mountain Spotted Fever. They can also ruin a picnic or patio party for you and your children.

An Army Travels on its Stomach

The second category of lawn insect is those that chew and suck on your grass, trees and shrubs instead of your legs. It's easy to know when you have chiggers because they bite your leg. However, the unseen enemy is always the most fearsome. When sod webworms, billbugs, and cinch bugs attach your lawn, it is much harder to see. Homeowners may not discover the damage until their lawn turns brown. Don't wait until these hidden invaders have taken over your property. Draw your red line, now! Deescalate their potential for damage and restore a pest free sanctuary in your yard.

Look for signs

The buildup of troops around your borders will begin as the bugs hatch. The first signs can be seen on the windshield of your car; another is the screen door of your patio or deck. Once you start cleaning bugs off your windshield and swatting brown June beetles, it is time to call out the rapid response team to defend your lawn from impending invasion.

Choose your weapon

Liquid Critter Gitters such as Bifen or Cyonara are perfect for getting into those hard to reach areas, but they also should be watered in after twenty-four hours. When spraying, make sure to spray dog kennels, tall grass, bushes, low hanging tree branches and foundation of the house. Liquid insecticides will give good general control of nuisance pests, as well as, mosquitoes. Spray in the early evening with no wind.

Diverse tactics

If liquid controls are not doable, apply granular Critter Gitter insecticides, using a broadcast spreader, in  late afternoon and water for thirty minutes after application. Critter Gitter granules will control surface feeding insects as will as those in the crown of the grass plant. Insects continue to hatch in your lawn throughout the summer. Some good news is both categories of insects are controlled using liquid or granule Critter Gitters or in combination.

Timing is crucial

The fist application is the most important. Wait for warm temperatures to ensure the first hatch is well underway. Bugs that hatch early in the summer will continue to multiply until September. An efficient killing May or June can interrupt this process and significantly reduce problems later and for complete season long control and application once a month may be necessary.

Never Surrender

A wise man once said, "If you are confused about what to do, it is a sign that your enemy is winning." Come on down to your nearest Grass Pad Battle Command Headquarters. Our staff can help you with an effective battle plan to defend your turf and garden.

* Warm Weather Brings Bugs

* Early Control Is Best

* Apply Every 4 Weeks for Best Results

* Bifen & Cyonara

* Granule Critter Gitters

* Liquid Critter Gitters

* Not Effective for White Grub Control


Ankle Biters